Our Blog
Mira Mar Vet, your local vet in Albany
All the latest news from Mira Mar Vet and informative pet tips
Jim and Dave excel at the 2014 Blackwood Marathon!
Two of our veterinarians, Dr Jim Darmody and Dr Dave Warren participated in the 2014 Blackwood Marathon as part of a team, the "Great Southern Veteran Vets". Teams are required to run 12km, kayak 8.5km, swim 1km, horse ride 16km, and bike ride 20km. The team...
Snake bite and your pet
It is not uncommon in the warmer months for our furry friends to come into contact with a snake. Even our more residential pets can still be at risk if walked near waterways or at the beach. As snakes hibernate or are inactive during cold weather, snake bites usually...
Have you heard why vaccination is so important?
Vaccinating your pet is one of the most important things you can do to ensure they lead a healthy life. Read more here...
Mira Mar Vets Goes Green
It may not be obvious to many of our clients, but 2014 has been the year that we at Mira Mar Vets have made a big effort to reduce our carbon footprint, and do our bit to help the planet! Our lovely new solar panels have been in place for almost 12 months, which not...
Cat and Dog Laws for Albany residents
Did you know that thousands of unwanted, stray or feral cats and dogs are euthanased every year in Western Australia? In order to reduce this number, and to promote responsible pet ownership, new cat and dog laws are being introduced throughout all of WA. The...
Cruciate Ligament Disease
Rex the fun loving kelpie was running in the park chasing his ball when he suddenly couldn't put any weight on his left hind leg. A veterinary examination revealed a suspected cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CrCl) - one of the most common orthopaedic conditions...
New Spot-On Flea Control
Activyl is the excellent new monthly 'spot-on' flea product for cats and dogs. it uses new technology to activate a potent insecticide inside the flea and means less unnecessary chemical exposure to your pet, family and household. It is water-fast for 4 weeks, and...
Smart Phone Respiration App
Our tech-savvy readers may be interested to know that there is now a smart phone app available to help calculate your pet's resting respiratory rate (RRR) called 'Heart2Heart monitoring app'. Detecting elevations in RRR can help in the early diagnosis and treatment of...
RIP Midas
The clinic lost a favourite friend last month with the passing of 'Midas', a beloved Labrador Retriever. Midas first visited our hospital for his initial puppy vaccination over 14 years ago! Through the subsequent years he has befriended us all, coming in frequently...
Dental Care
How to help your cats have healthy teeth and gums throughout their lives. Your pet counts on you for protection With major advances in treating serious infectious and other pet diseases, oral disease – most importantly periodontal or gum disease caused by the buildup...
Allergies in Cats
How to tell if your cat may have an allergy, and an introduction to some treatments. Like people, cats can suffer from allergies. As in the human population, the incidence of allergies in pets seems to be increasing. While allergic humans may often sneeze, wheeze or...
Information on the diagnosis and treatment of this important disease. What is diabetes? Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which your pet’s pancreas can no longer produce enough of the hormone insulin and/or for some reason their body has become resistant to the...
Good communication builds good relationships Just as between people, good relationships between dogs and their owners are based on good communication. Dogs communicate between themselves by means of body signals. It’s only natural, then, that they’ll use the same...
Fleas and Ticks
Ticks are small spider-like acarids and fleas are insects, but these two tiny creatures have at least one thing in common—they are both parasites that feed on your dog’s or cat’s blood and can cause a lot of discomfort and more serious health problems. Flea bites may...
Dealing with the Loss of a Pet The death of a beloved pet can be very distressing. Our pets are not only members of the family, they are our faithful friends, our children’s devoted playmates and reliable, affectionate companions for the elderly or disabled. They...
Heartworm & Intestinal Parasites
Heartworm disease Heartworm is a parasitic disease that can affect any dog regardless of age, sex or habitat. It is found in many parts of Australia. Heartworm is spread by mosquitoes, and tends to have a higher incidence in areas heavily populated by mosquitoes. Dogs...
Your Senior Dog
Old age is not a disease As a result of advances in veterinary medicine, more knowledgeable care and improved nutrition, dogs are now living much longer, healthier lives. But, just as for humans, the passage of time has its effects, and you may begin to notice that...
It can be heartbreaking to see your once lively, always active best friend begin to limp, or notice his or her obvious pain when moving around. There is, as yet, no cure for osteoarthritis, but there is a great deal that you and your veterinarian can do to decrease...
Like people, dogs can suffer from allergies. As in the human population, the incidence of allergies in pets seems to be increasing. While allergic humans may often sneeze, wheeze or even have serious respiratory difficulties, allergic reactions in pets are...
Administering Medication
Always follow the instructions given by your veterinarian. Be sure to administer the full amount of medication over the number of days instructed by your veterinarian. Tablets & Capsules Step 1 • Place the pill between the thumb and the index finger of one hand. •...
Your Senior Cat
Old age is not a disease As a result of advances in veterinary medicine, more knowledgeable care and improved nutrition, cats are now living much longer, healthier lives. But, just as for humans, the passage of time has its effects, and you may begin to notice that...
Household Dangers
Pet Proofing your Home Just as parents ‘childproof’ their home, so should pet owners ‘petproof’ theirs. Four-legged members of the family, like infants and small children, are naturally curious and love to explore their environment with their paws, claws and mouths....
Puppy Training Classes
Puppy school is the first event you should put on your dog's social calendar. Puppies will develop confidence and will learn how to interact with each other. This is a safe environment for socialisation as all puppies must be up to date with their vaccinations. At...
Canine Parvovirus
CANINE PARVOVIRUS INFECTION What is Canine Parvovirus disease? Canine parvovirus (CPV) infection is a relatively new disease that first appeared in 1978. Because of the severity of the disease and its rapid spread through the canine population, CPV has aroused a...