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Mira Mar Vet, your local vet in Albany
All the latest news from Mira Mar Vet and informative pet tips
Kids and dogs – keeping everyone safe
Kids and dogs - keeping everyone safe When it comes to kids and dogs, supervision alone may not always be the best way to prevent a dog bite. Being able to recognise when a dog is feeling stressed or threatened is the key and it is essential people are able to pick up...
It’s never too late for dental care
It's never too late for dental care It's not uncommon for us to see an older pet with dental disease but many people are worried about their senior pet having to undergo a dental procedure. In fact, as our pets get older, their immune system becomes less effective at...
Flea prevention
Flea prevention reminder Spring is just around the corner and as the days are getting longer, now's the time to ensure your pet is up to date with flea prevention. Eggs that were previously laid by fleas may have been lying dormant over the cooler winter months but as...
Dental month at Mira Mar Vets
Dental Month at Mira Mar Vets Did you know that we see dental disease in pets as young as 2 years of age? Good dental health is such a vital part of your pet's wellbeing, and not only prevents pain and loss of teeth, but can also prevent serious disease from...
A healthy mouth equals a healthy pet
A healthy mouth equals a healthy pet There's no getting around this one. If you want your pet to live a healthy life, they need to have a healthy mouth! There is now plenty of evidence to prove that dental disease is linked to other problems such as heart disease, so...
Can you clean my pet’s teeth without an anaesthetic?
Can you clean my pet's teeth without an anaesthetic? Without an anaesthetic we cannot perform a thorough examination of your pet's mouth, and there is simply no way we can diagnose or treat dental problems while your pet is awake. When it comes to gold standard dental...
Can my dog eat this?
Can my dog eat that? Are you aware of some of the potential doggy dangers out there? We've compiled a quick list for you below. This list is not complete and these are just a few of the hazards we find people forget about or are not aware of. Grapes, sultanas and...
Things your cat shouldn’t eat
Things your cat shouldn't eat Cats can be a bit fussier when it comes to what they will and won't eat but they can of course get themselves into trouble too. Again, this list is also not complete and if you are worried about your cat you should always ask us for...
Vomiting and diarrhoea and when to see us
Vomiting and diarrhoea and when to see us Vomiting and diarrhoea are two words most people don't want to talk about, let alone have to deal with when it comes to their pet. Thankfully, we have a summary of what you need to know so you don't have to dwell on these...
Flu season is here
Flu season is here With flu season in full swing, now's a good time for us to answer the common question, can my pet get the flu? The answer is yes - but unlike in humans, there isn't really a flu season for dogs and cats and infection can occur at any time of the...
Is your pet a senior citizen?
Is your pet a senior citizen? Is your pet starting to age a little? Did you know that cats and dogs are considered senior citizens after the age around 8 years? As they reach their golden years there are a few things you need to watch out for. Obvious changes might...
Help your senior pet stay happy and healthy
Help your senior pet stay happy and healthy Caring for a senior pet is an important job and your furry friends are relying on you to guide them through their twilight years. Here are our top three tips for senior care: 1. Keep your eyes open for changes in behaviour,...
My dog’s done his knee!
My dog's done his knee! It's footy season but your dog doesn't need to be on the sports field to do his ACL! Rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in the knee is one of the most common injuries we see in dogs. This injury can lead to painful arthritis in...
How to help an arthritic pet at home
How to help an arthritic pet at home If your pet is diagnosed with arthritis, there are plenty of things you can do at home to help them feel more comfortable. We recommend a multi-pronged attack as this helps to reduce the need for large amounts of medication and...
Why microchipping is essential
Why microchipping is essential The recent floods in Queensland and New South Wales have sadly resulted in hundreds of displaced pets. Natural disasters are an important reminder as to why it is essential ALL of your pets are microchipped. When a lost pet has a...
Mum’s the word
Mum's the word With Mother's Day this month, we thought now would be a good time to share a few things about pregnancy in dogs. Here are some key facts: Pregnancy (or the gestation period) in bitches normally ranges from 58 to 65 days with an average of 63 days During...
Senior Pet Month is on again
Super Seniors Month is BACK at Mira Mar Vets! The month of April again becomes the month where we offer discounted examination and blood testing options for all of our beloved patients that are older than seven years old. We know that with ongoing health screening,...
Annual Easter Bunny alert
Annual Easter Bunny alert As the Easter Bunny gears up to make his deliveries, it is our job to remind you keep ALL chocolate out of paw's reach. Our canine friends are specifically designed to seek out any morsel of chocolate - big or small, wrapped or unwrapped! The...
Cushings disease case study
Cushing's disease case study Jimmy is a 9 year old Maltese cross. This boisterous little man was thirstier than normal and had suddenly started to wee in the house. His owners noticed he had a bit of a pot belly but had put this down to Jimmy getting older. A...
Rat bait ingestion – what you need to know
Rat bait ingestion - what you need to know The poison used to kill rats and mice interferes with blood clotting. These products are just as toxic to dogs and cats, and alarmingly your pets may even seek these poisons out. What to do if your pet finds rat bait: If you...
Top three tips for preventing rat bait toxicity
Top three tips for preventing rat bait toxicity Sadly, we often see pets that have eaten rat bait. This can be extremely upsetting especially when ingestion can often be prevented. Here are our top tips for prevention rat bait toxicity: 1. The first, and probably most...
Anxiety – the leading behaviour problem in dogs
Anxiety - the leading behaviour problem in dogs Anxiety disorders are probably the most common type of behaviour problem we see in dogs. For most dogs, stress plays a key role in the development of an anxiety problem but there may also be a breed predisposition in...
Urine spraying in cats
Urine spraying in cats If you've ever seen a cat spraying you may have been intrigued. It's a strange looking activity where the cat stands with a vertical tail (sometimes quivering at the tip) and delivers a squirt of urine against a vertical surface. Urine spraying...
Feisty cat does all he can to avoid trip to the vet
Feisty cat does all he can to avoid trip to the vet Wrangling your cat and getting them into a carrier can be a very stressful event - as demonstrated in this hilarious video. This can put you off bringing your cat to us and it means they might miss out on essential...