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Mira Mar Vet, your local vet in Albany
All the latest news from Mira Mar Vet and informative pet tips
Am I exercising my dog enough?
Am I exercising my dog enough? When you think about it, our companion dogs have a pretty good deal. They get their food delivered in a bowl and are able to lounge on the couch or lie out on the lawn most of the day. This way of life can unfortunately lead to weight...
Pet Calorie Counter
Pet calorie counter It's easy to overdo the treats at home and you might not be aware just how much of an impact these treats are having on your pet's weight. Keep this calorie translator in mind when you are having trouble saying 'no' to those adorable eyes! For the...
Is my pet overweight?
Is my pet overweight? When it comes to your pet, you might think carrying a few extra kilos isn't a big deal. Think again. Overweight pets are at an increased risk of arthritis, heart disease, respiratory disorders and diabetes. What is alarming is that that most...
Can Cats Get Asthma?
They certainly can and this life altering disease is very similar to asthma in humans. The disease involves the small airways in the lungs over-reacting to the presence of a irritant or an allergen. This leads to an inflammatory response and an increase in mucus...
Snail bait – what you need to know
Snail bait - what you need to know After a long, wet and very cold winter we are thrilled that Spring has arrived. But Spring also brings about some hazards and one in particular is the presence of snail (and slug) bait in the garden. Be careful if you happen to visit...
Bee and wasp stings: what to do
Bee and wasp stings: what to do Spring has sprung and as the flowers start to bloom we will start to see more bees about. What should you do if your pet is stung by a bee or a wasp? In most cases, there will be mild swelling and tenderness at the sting site. You...
Why fleas love Spring
Why fleas love spring As the weather warms up and the days get longer, it won't only be us who will be celebrating! The cheeky flea will be out and about and even though they can cause problems all year round, it is during spring and summer that we see them come out...
Dental Procedure FAQs
Dental procedure FAQs 'Dentals' are common procedures performed in veterinary practices and when it comes to what's involved, people often have a few questions. Here are three common questions: 1. Why does my pet need a general anaesthetic? In order for us to properly...
The ins and outs of dental disease
There's no doubt about it, dental disease in our pets really stinks! It is one of the most common problems we seen in veterinary practice and not only is it painful for your pet, the increased bacteria in the mouth can be associated with other conditions such as...
Euthanasia – deciding when it’s time
Euthanasia is a very difficult topic to think about but it's an important one, and something that we as veterinarians deal with every day. Deciding when is the right time to euthanise a pet can be one of the most difficult decisions you'll ever make. Most of us hope...
Reasons to adopt a senior cat
If you are thinking of adding a feline friend to your family you should consider adopting a senior cat. Kittens may be fun and playful but they can be hard work! You'll find there are many hidden joys if you bring a senior 'kitty-zen' into your life. Here are our top...
The oldest living cat
According to the Guinness Book of Records, the oldest living cat is currently living in Oregon, USA. His name is Corduroy and he was born 1st August 1989, making him nearly 27 years old! Corduroy, a handsome long haired tabby cat, has an astounding social media...
Dementia can affect our pets too
It is well known that ageing takes a toll on our entire body including our brain - and the same goes for our pets. Research confirms that our pets can suffer from dementia and the disease that affects dogs (known as Canine Cognitive Dysfunction) has many similarities...
Dr Dave Update
Dr Dave and his family are in the last month of their extended tour of the UK and Europe! It sure doesn't seem like almost 6 months ago that we wished them 'Bon Voyage'. Since our last newsletter update, the Warren family calendar has been full of UK exploration! They...
Winter Storms
Winter is now upon us, and with it comes the dreaded winter storm. Is your pet a panting, dribbling, shivering mess during a thunder storm? The noise of the storm, combined with the change in atmosphere, seems to trigger a reaction in some pets, mainly dogs....
Caring for a senior pet – our top tips
You might not realise it but dogs and cats are considered senior citizens when they reach 8 years of age. Our furry senior friends require some extra special attention to help keep them happy and healthy. Here's a few of our top tips for senior care. A regular health...
The dog who mastered interior painting
The dog who mastered interior painting Have you ever wondered what might happen when you leave a dog home alone for 3 hours with an ink pot? We think you'll laugh (and shudder at the same time) when you see what this husky got up to... Thank goodness we weren't the...
Cats are the best at hiding arthritis
Cats are the best at hiding arthritis Cats are even better than dogs at hiding or covering up pain caused by arthritis. If you think about it, cats spend much of their time sleeping and we generally don't take cats for a walk, so it is hard to see a change in their...
Cruciate Ligament Disease
Cruciate ligament disease One of the most common injuries we see in dogs is a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament. This is the same injury seen in many a footballer - the notorious ACL, and it can can lead to dramatic arthritis in your dog's knee if it is not treated...
Top tips for managing arthritis
Top tips for managing arthritis If we've diagnosed your pet with arthritis we will work with you to come up with the best management plan to keep your pet pain free. The key to success is a multi-targeted approach as this can help reduce the need for large amounts of...
Does your dog have arthritis?
Does your dog have arthritis? Arthritis is a sneaky condition. It tends to creep up over time and our pets won't always show obvious signs until they are in considerable pain. The disease is caused by the wearing down of the cartilage that covers the bones at the end...
New vaccination advice for rabbit owners
When European Rabbits were introduced into Australia at the time of white settlement, nobody could have predicted how well the species would adapt and thrive in the Australian environment. Recent studies show that wild rabbits are affecting over 300 threatened...
My pet is vomiting – should I be worried?
My pet is vomiting - should I be worried? There are many reasons your pet might vomit, and physical obstruction from eating a sock is just one of them! Diseases such as pancreatitis, liver or kidney disease, or endocrine diseases like diabetes can all produce...
Pyometra – easy to prevent
Pyometra - easy to prevent Pyometra is a serious condition that can develop in female pets that have not been desexed. It is more common in middle-aged to older dogs but cats are not immune from the condition. Over time, there are changes to a female's reproductive...