Our Blog
Mira Mar Vet, your local vet in Albany
All the latest news from Mira Mar Vet and informative pet tips
Winter weigh-in
Winter weigh-in To help welcome you into winter, here’s an animation from Off The Leash. It’s called "The Weigh In" and sets the scene for our newsletter this month. Shorter winter days and more time at home may mean your pet has been a little less active, and perhaps...
Healthy diet = healthy life
Healthy diet = healthy life 'What is the best diet for my pet?” - a common question, but not always an easy answer. There is no one-diet-fits-all, but a premium-quality diet that is balanced and complete is the best place to start. What is a premium diet? Premium...
The facts about Giardia
The facts about Giardia What is Giardia? Giardia is a protozoan parasite that infects the gastrointestinal tract of humans, mammals, birds and even amphibians. The parasite can cause severe symptoms and is transmissible between animals and humans. Giardia exists in...
Could my dog be incontinent?
Could my dog be incontinent? Did you know that some female dogs can become incontinent as they age? The condition is known as urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence (USMI), and this is just a fancy medical term used to describe a weak control of the muscles that...
Puppy preschool is back!
Puppy Preschool is BACK! HOORAY! Small group puppy classes are starting up again at Mira Mar Vets! From the start of May, we will take puppies between 6 & 16 weeks of age in small socialisation classes, and of course we will be observing appropriate hygiene and...
New South Wales RSCPA introduces e-adoptions
New South Wales RSPCA introduces e-doptions Filling out a form online is almost becoming more second-nature to us than handwriting one. We online-shop for groceries, clothes, gifts and all sorts of other things, but how about for a pet? The New South Wales RSPCA have...
Could now be a good time to get a new pet?
Could now be a good time to get a new pet? Pets are a perfect companion to anyone during this challenging period. Pets provide unconditional love, physical comfort, and having a pet around can even improve your mental health. A dog will get you out and about walking...
Arthritis alert.
Arthritis alert As Autumn comes to an end and you are at home with your pets more due to COVID-19, now is a good time to keep an eye out for arthritis. The colder weather always coincides with an increase in the number of pets with stiff and sore joints, so knowing...
What you need to know about disc disease.
What you need to know about disc disease Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) is a relatively common problem in dogs and rarely seen in cats. The intervertebral discs consist of a gelatinous substance surrounded by a thick outer layer, and they act as shock absorbers,...
Top tips for a healthy pet during isolation.
Top tips for a healthy pet during isolation There have been plenty of changes in the way we lead our life recently, and your pet's life has probably changed too! You, or the kids, may be home more and, if you have a dog, you are probably walking more to get out of the...
How pets can improve your health during COVID-19
How pets can improve your mental health during COVID-19 Some say that all clouds have a silver lining and perhaps one major silver lining of the COVID-19 crisis is being able to spend more time with our pets. It is a stressful and challenging time for so many people...
It’s time to look out for chocolate toxicity
It's time to look out for chocolate toxicity With a large number of chocolate Easter eggs on the loose at this time of year, it is our job to remind you about the risk of chocolate toxicity. Unfortunately, chocolate is not good for dogs! It contains a derivative of...
Did you know that Easter lilies can be lethal?
Did you know that Easter lilies can be lethal? Lilies are popular flowers and commonly used in arrangements due to their appealing fragrance. Many pet owners are, however, unaware of the danger they pose to cats. It can be extremely dangerous if a cat eats any part of...
Cat prevents toddler from falling down the stairs.
Cat prevents toddler from falling down stairs We’ve got a fantastic video for you this month. Check out this intelligent cat, who could be the best babysitter ever! The cat helps prevent the toddler from falling down the stairs, and even appears to grab the toddler by...
Coronavirus and pets – what you need to know
Coronavirus and pets - what you need to know The Coronavirus outbreak is currently affecting many people throughout the world and in some places, changing the way we go about life. There are many questions and myths floating about so we thought we’d help answer, and...
What happens when we run a blood test?
What happens when we run a blood test? When it comes to finding out more about the health of your pet, blood tests are a powerful tool. They provide us with an insight into the health of many organs and can also confirm if your pet is safe to undergo anaesthesia. They...
Mira Mar Vets – COVID-19 Update
With the aim of continuing to provide the best care for our patients, whilst maintaining the health of our staff and clients, we have made some further changes. OPENING HOURS Clinic hours are 8am - 5pm, and 9am - 12pm Saturdays. The clinic will be CLOSED every...
Mira Mar Vets – Helping You Stay At Home
MIRA MAR VETS: HELPING YOU STAY AT HOME To enable us to keep looking after your pets at this challenging time, the dedicated team at Mira Mar Vets needs to stay healthy! We also want all of you and your family to be healthy, so we’ve come up with a couple of ideas to...
MMVH COVID-19 Changes to Operation
We are trying our best to keep our clients and our staff as safe as possible, whilst still providing the best care that we can for your pets. Please read the following guidelines carefully: MMVH CHANGES TO OPERATION If you are unwell or have travelled, please do NOT...
Could my dog have cataracts?
Could my dog have cataracts? It’s not uncommon for a client to ask us if their dog has cataracts.They notice that their dog’s eyes have become ‘cloudy’ and they are worried about what might be going on. A cataract is a cloudy lens and if dense, is seen as a white...
Keeping chickens as pets
Keeping chickens as pets Keeping backyard chickens as pets has become more and more popular in both urban and suburban areas. There are plenty of benefits when it comes to keeping chickens: They are relatively easy and inexpensive to maintain (when compared to most...
Spray away!
Spray away! Urine spraying is a unique activity where a cat stands with their tail in the air and delivers a squirt of urine against a vertical surface. Most of the time, you won’t even notice your cat spraying but this behaviour can become a ‘behavioural issue’ when...
Separated and sad
Separated and sad Dogs are social creatures and they form strong bonds with people. While most dogs cope well with daily separation from their owners, unfortunately, some dogs become very distressed and even destructive, a problem known as separation anxiety....
Why does my dog bark?
Why does my dog bark? A barking dog can be helpful and comforting especially when it comes to alerting you about possible intruders. Unfortunately, barking can also be frustrating and disruptive and excessive barking can even be considered a behavioural problem. Dogs...