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Mira Mar Vet, your local vet in Albany
All the latest news from Mira Mar Vet and informative pet tips
Mira Mar Vets COVID-19 Client Letter
Dear clients, We find ourselves in extraordinary circumstances, and the situation is changing rapidly. Mira Mar Veterinary Hospital prioritises the wellbeing of our patients, clients, and staff. With this in mind, we ask that you consider the health of our staff and...
Case study: Mitral valve disease
Case study: mitral valve disease Jack the cheeky eight year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel came in for his yearly vaccination and routine health check. During the examination, a heart murmur was detected. After questioning his owners, there was some concern that he...
Grain free diets and broken hearts
Grain free diets and broken hearts Grain free diets have become more popular over the last few years, as people inaccurately assume these boutique diets are better for their pets. But there’s more to the story... The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA is...
Does my dog need heartworm prevention?
Does my dog need heartworm prevention? Albany is in a very unique part of Australia, and is one of the few places where the heartworm parasite has not been diagnosed. Generally, we do not consider heartworm preventative necessary if your pet remains in this area. In...
Bushfire Crisis – how can you help
Bushfire crisis - how you can help We continue to feel devastated for all involved in the bushfire crisis. The effects of this disaster have rocked us all, and we are deeply saddened to see the impact it has had on our wildlife and livestock, as well as the...
Do pets get heart disease?
Do pets get heart disease? Absolutely! Heart disease is not uncommon in dogs and cats, and knowing what to look out for is important as it can really make a difference to your pet’s life. Our feline friends are particularly good at hiding signs of heart disease, but...
Watch out for turtles!
Watch out for turtles! The x-ray of the turtle showing her eggs, and the eggs that were saved. Please remember to slow down around town - especially near Lake Seppings - and if you find an injured turtle please take it straight in to your local vet clinic. Last month...
The truth about toxoplasmosis
The truth about Toxoplasmosis Toxoplasmosis is one of the most well known zoonotic diseases - meaning it can be transmitted from animals to humans. The problem is, there’s heaps of misinformation out there and some of it leads to unnecessary concern and anxiety for...
Keep your pet safe this Christmas.
Keep your pet safe this Christmas Christmas is a risky time for your pet. There is lots of food around, people, parties and changes in routine - so you may not be able to keep an eye on your pet as much as usual. To help keep your pet safe this festive season, here...
Top tips for travelling with your pet this Summer.
Top tips for traveling with your pet this Summer As we all gear up for the summer holidays it’s important to take a moment to think about your pet. If you are traveling with your furry friend, there are a few questions you need to ask yourself to help keep your pet...
Keeping an eye on the eyes.
Keeping an eye on the eyes When it comes to your pet’s eyes, if you think you can see a problem, chances are, there probably is one. Eye issues can be serious and that's why it is always best to have your pet assessed as soon as possible if you notice anything out of...
Lenno’s diabetes
Lenno's diabetes You may remember Lenno the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel cross from our previous newsletters. Over a weekend in August, Lenno suddenly started drinking copious amounts of water and urinating far more than what would be considered normal. He had also...
Inflatable pet hospital set to save lives
Inflatable veterinary hospital set to save lives An amazing new inflatable veterinary hospital has been launched in South Australia ahead of the bushfire season. It is intended to help provide a place for SA Veterinary Emergency Management staff to work out of in the...
Don’t wait until it’s too late – vaccinate!
Don't wait 'til it's too late - vaccinate! Vaccination is one of the most important tools we have available to help keep your pet healthy. Vaccinations are safe, have minimal (if any) side effects, and we recommend them because they work. With the summer holidays fast...
How to care for pet mice.
How to care for pet mice Mice make great pets! They are social, intelligent, don’t take up a lot of space - and are very entertaining to watch at play! They are well suited to people with limited time and budget, and are especially good for school-aged children and...
Cessation of Equine Veterinary Services at Mira Mar Vets
Cessation of Equine Veterinary Services at Mira Mar Vets Mira Mar Vets have made a decision to cease all equine veterinary services, effective 1st September 2019. Unfortunately, from this date we will no longer be able to see any equine patients. Please see below a...
Two very lucky dogs
Two very lucky dogs One evening in early September, we had a call to say that Mrs Winter had found a dead tiger snake in the back of her yard and that one of her two dogs was showing signs of being envenomated. This was unfortunately not Mrs Winter's first snake...
Celebrate world animal day
Celebrate World Animal Day This month we celebrate World Animal Day! The mission of World Animal Day is to raise the status of animals in order to improve welfare standards around the world. It helps to mobilise animal welfare movements into a global force to make the...
Wee makes us happy!
Wee makes us happy! You might laugh at us but we love wee! Just a small amount of your pet’s urine provides us with valuable information about their internal health and can also help rule out diseases such as diabetes and kidney insufficiency. After we have collected...
Monitoring your pet’s blood pressure
Monitoring your pet's blood pressure At some point in your pet’s life, it will be necessary for us to measure their blood pressure. An elevation in blood pressure (hypertension) can indicate an underlying disease. Hyperthyroidism in cats or Cushing's disease in dogs...
Top tips for correct antibiotic use
Top tips for correct antibiotic use It is becoming more and more evident that one of the greatest threats to human and animal health is antibiotic resistance and the emergence of 'superbugs'. As veterinarians, we are taking steps to help prevent the world from a...
What you need to know about kidney disease
What you need to know about kidney disease When it comes to kidney disease, the statistics can be pretty scary. As many as 1-in-3 cats, and 1-in-10 dogs may suffer from some form of the disease in their lifetime. The chronic form of kidney disease is often referred to...
Rocky can’t go
Rocky can't go By now you know Rocky the cat. Rocky is a very clean cat and always uses his litter tray perfectly. Recently Rocky was leaving little patches of bloody urine in strange places. One evening, Rocky’s owner came home from work to find Rocky scratching at...
Study: Pet Health in Australia
Study: pet health in Australia How likely is my dog’s breed to go to the vet? At what age is my cat prone to hyperthyroidism? Has anyone ever named their pet ‘Prince Harry’? The answers to all of these questions and more can be found in the newly published Pet Health...