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Mira Mar Vet, your local vet in Albany
All the latest news from Mira Mar Vet and informative pet tips
Man’s best friend
Man's best friend The term 'man's best friend' may be even more appropriate than ever. Recent research by an American psychologist has revealed that up to 42 per cent of middle-aged men are more likely to turn to their dog for emotional support during the tough times...
Does your pet need a vaccination?
Does your pet need a vaccination? The Christmas holidays are just around the corner (gasp!) and if your pet is going to be boarding this festive season, now is the time to check their vaccination status. Your pet may very well need a booster before they go into the...
Is your cat a bit wormy?
Is your cat a bit wormy? When it comes to intestinal worming, it's easy to forget about your cat. Sometimes just the thought of giving your cat a tablet can give you nightmares! Never fear, we are here to help. We can either give your cat their worming tablet (they...
Tick Tock
Tick tock This is Annie. Annie is a 2-year-old Jack Russell Terrier Cross who has all the energy in the world and always loves a cuddle on the couch at the end of the day. This Christmas she will be travelling to Mallacoota on the east coast for the quintessential...
Tennis heros
Tennis heroes There's been plenty in the media recently following an upset at the US tennis open, but here's a heartwarming tennis story for you! It has been reported that shelter dogs are being 'employed' as ball boys and girls at the Brazilian Tennis Open. The...
A little bit thirsty
A little bit thirsty? Is your pet a bit thirstier than usual? Are you filling up their water bowl more often, or have you noticed them drinking from the shower or toilet? An increase in thirst can be one of the first signs of kidney disease and if you are worried you...
Why urination habits matter
Why urination habits matter It's not only a change in thirst that can indicate an underlying issue with your pet. Subtle changes in urination habits can be a sign of kidney disease and diabetes but they can also indicate a urinary tract infection or even a behavioural...
Warning for local rabbit owners
Warning for local rabbit owners Mira Mar Vets has recently received notification from the City of Albany that they are planning to release a new strain of rabbit Calicivirus into the wild rabbit population near Emu Point in late spring. The virus is specific to the...
Spring is in the air and so is itchy skin
Spring is in the air and so is itchy skin Itchy skin can cause absolute chaos and really affect your dog's quality of life. One of the most common and frustrating 'itchy skin' conditions we see in dogs is atopic dermatitis. This inflammatory condition is caused by a...
Our top skin care tips for your pet
Our top skin care tips for your pet When it comes to managing the itchy pet, there is no magic pill. It's all about prevention of parasites and taking action before things get out of control. Here are our top tips for healthy skin: Be vigilant with flea treatment all...
Anal gland issues
Anal glands issues Have you ever seen your dog dragging his or her bottom along the ground? This peculiar act is known as 'scooting' and can indicate your dog has irritated anal glands. The infamous anal glands are located on either side of your dog's anus. Each gland...
Keeping your pet safe this spring
Keep your pet safe this spring Spring is here and we want to keep your pet happy and healthy. Here are some spring hazards you should be aware of: Bee and wasp stings can lead to pain and swelling at the site of the sting. Some pets can have an anaphylactic reaction...
Public comment on council policy
Public comment on Council policy DOG EXERCISE, PROHIBITED & RURAL LEASHING AREAS Council is currently considering the adoption of the draft Dog Exercise, Prohibited & Rural Leashing Areas Policy, which seeks to provide guidance to the community relating to dog...
Keep your pet safe from these winter hazards
Keep your pet safe from these winter hazards Winter is here, read our top tips to help keep your pet safe: Know your pet's limits: Just like people, pets' tolerance to cold can vary based on their coat, fat stores, age and health. The very young and very old can...
Rocky’s tooth problem
Rocky's tooth problem Meet Rocky the cat. Rocky loves spending his days on the couch, waiting for his humans to arrive home and feed him his dinner. We will be following Rocky's health journey over the next few months and today we'd like to fill you in on his visit to...
Protect your pet against the flu
Protect your pet against the flu Have you ever wondered if your pet can get the flu? The answer is yes. But unlike the dreaded flu season for humans, dogs and cats can suffer from their version of the flu year-round. The good news is that your pet can't catch the...
National pet dental health month 2018
National Pet Dental Health Month 2018 As always, August is National Pet Dental Health Month, and as always, the team at Mira Mar Vets are striving to bring you the best in dental care for your pet, as well as additional savings on dental procedures during the month of...
Dental month at Mira Mar Vets
Dental Month at Mira Mar Vets AUGUST IS NATIONAL PET DENTAL MONTH Dental disease is the single most common and preventable disease in our pets. It can affect pets as young as 2 years of age and can lead to pain and loss of teeth but also serious illness elsewhere in...
Anaesthesia is essential for clean teeth.
Anaesthesia is essential for clean teeth You may have seen anaesthesia-free dentistry advertised and wondered why we don't offer this as an option for your pet. We'd love to be able to say "open wide" but this isn't possible in the veterinary dental world! Without an...
How do I know if my pet needs to see the dentist?
How do I know if my pet needs to see the dentist? If your pet has stinky breath it's important to realise that this is not normal. Don’t be tempted to simply turn your head away as bad breath can be a sign that your pet is suffering from dental disease, a sneaky...
Have you tried this trick on your dog?
The latest viral sensation on the internet is pet-related. It's called the 'What The Fluff Challenge' with owners pranking their dogs with a 'magic trick' and sharing the results online. Check out the hilarious prank here.
Congratulations Andrea
Congratulations are in order this month for Veterinary Nurse Andrea! Andrea has worked through the many hours of study required to complete her Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing, making her a fully qualified Veterinary Nurse. We are so very proud of Andrea, who has...
Grain-free diets – are they better?
Grain-free diets - are they better? Many people assume that grain-free diets are 'more natural' and carbohydrate-free. They also have the conception that grain-free diets are less likely to cause allergies. But none of this is true! There has been no scientific...
Is your pet overweight?
Is your pet is overweight? The best way to tell if you pet is overweight is to take a good look at them! Here's how ... + Peer down on your pet from above. + An overweight pet will have lost definition of their waist + Instead of an hourglass figure they might look a...