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Can my dog eat this?

by | Jul 20, 2017 | Dog Care

Can my dog eat that?

Are you aware of some of the potential doggy dangers out there? We’ve compiled a quick list for you below.

This list is not complete and these are just a few of the hazards we find people forget about or are not aware of.

Grapes, sultanas and raisins: induce kidney failure in some dogs

Macadamia nuts: cause weakness, vomiting and diarrhoea

Avocados: lead to a stomach upset and the pip can also cause an obstruction if ingested

Onions, leeks, garlic and chives: ingestion leads to destruction of red blood cells

Chewing gum: contains Xylitol and this can cause weakness and seizures

Apricot, cherry and peach pips and apple seeds: contain cyanide and may cause poisoning

Corn on the cob: the corn might be digested, but the cob may lodge in the small intestine causing a blockage

Chocolate: you’ve probably heard this before, but remember chocolate is toxic to dogs and ingestion of just a small amount can be fatal – cooking chocolate and dark chocolate are the most dangerous

Rodent bait: can lead to blood clotting problems 3-14 days after ingestion

Snail bait: can cause seizures and even death

Stockings, undies, socks: are all attractive to dogs and can cause a nasty intestinal obstruction

If you think your dog might have ingested something that’s on this list you should seek veterinary advice immediately.