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Mira Mar Vet, your local vet in Albany

Experiencing an emergency

by | Nov 8, 2022 | Latest Monthly Newsletters, Pet Care

If your pet has ever been affected by a severe injury or illness, you’ll know just how worrying that can be. Here are some tips on how to navigate emergency situations with your pet.

Common symptoms of emergency
Sometimes, you may be unsure about whether your pet classifies as an “emergency case” or not. Here are a few common symptoms that indicate your pet requires urgent care:

  • Your pet is having sudden breathing difficulties
  • Your pet has collapsed, fainted or is suddenly unable to walk
  • Your pet is losing blood via vomit, profuse diarrhoea or a dripping wound
  • Your pet is having seizures
  • Your pet is unable to pass urine
  • Your pet has just suffered obvious physical trauma (e.g. being hit by a car)

Handling your pet
If your pet is in pain or in distress, they may lash out uncharacteristically. To protect yourself and your pet, where possible, try to wrap distressed small pets in towels or blankets before them, and “stretcher” larger pets using blankets.

First aid at home
We would not recommend administering any medication to your pet prior to their urgent appointment (unless the medication has been previously prescribed for this purpose, e.g. anti-seizure medications for a seizuring pet), as this could interfere with pain relief medications we need to administer or even cause further harm.

However, if your pet is dripping blood from a wound, it is OK to try applying light-moderate pressure to the wound by pressing a towel onto it for 4-5 minutes or wrapping a bandage around the site.

Veterinary care
Please clarify with our helpful team about the best point of contact for any after-hours emergencies.  At Mira Mar Vets there is an experienced vet on-call at all times when the clinic is closed, who can be contacted either by calling our main office number on 9841 5422 and following the prompts, or calling the after-hours mobile on 0428 936 020.  If possible, even during office hours, it’s also helpful to phone ahead when you are on your way down to the clinic for emergency care, so we can prepare for your arrival.

With some preparation, you can stay calm and collected to best assist your pet in an emergency situation.