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Five “home comforts” for old pets

by | Jun 28, 2023 | Latest Monthly Newsletters, Pet Care

As well as attending 6-12 monthly veterinary check-ups (so we can manage any developing health issues), you can help support the health of pets aged eight years and older on a day-to-basis too!
Our senior-savvy team have compiled a list of five simple aids to keep your pet feeling comfortable and sprightly in their home environment:

Night lights

Older pets commonly develop a condition called nuclear sclerosis, where their eyes gradually become cloudy due to natural age-related degeneration (although nuclear sclerosis isn’t the only cause of cloudy eyes, so always consult a vet to confirm).
Nuclear sclerosis isn’t harmful but can reduce your pet’s vision in dim lighting. Purchasing motion-activated night lights and placing them around your pet’s sleeping area, water bowls, and along the route to their toileting location can help them to navigate more confidently.

Non-slip matting

Due to joint issues and reduced strength and coordination, older dogs can find walking on slippery floors difficult or even scary!
Suppose your pet is showing hesitance on smooth floors. In that case, we’d recommend purchasing cheap non-slip matting to make safe walking tracks along their standard routes.

Non-slip ramps

Many older cats and dogs suffer from chronic hip or back discomfort, making it harder for them to jump up for snuggles with their favourite person (you!).
Non-slip ramps can help pets safely get on and off higher resting surfaces and help dogs get in and out of the car.

Raised bowls

Many older large-breed pets appreciate not having to lean right down to eat and drink. You can purchase fancy raised bowls or go DIY with sturdy boxes or pavers.

Thick bedding

Who doesn’t love a soft, supportive bed? Thick bedding (such as memory foam) will be extra kind to your pet’s old joints and bones, helping them to feel more mobile and comfortable.

For more tips on senior health support, contact our old pet-friendly team