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Four tips for socialising your pup

by | Jan 5, 2023 | Latest Monthly Newsletters, Pet Care

If you’re expecting the pitter-patter of puppy paws in your household, we recommend that you start thinking about early socialisation opportunities for your little bundle of fluff!

Socialisation involves getting puppies used to a variety of people, animals, places or experiences that they are likely to encounter in their adult life. The most important socialisation times for puppies are between 3-14 weeks old, meaning that owners have a relatively short period to get the best out of this critical period.

Here are four tips for a well-socialised pup:

  1. If you will be purchasing your pup from a breeder, pick a breeder who has raised the pups in a home environment. Whilst the pups won’t have been taken out and about much (due to incomplete vaccination protection), they should be reasonably confident with handling and common household noises.
  2. Handle your pup daily in a gentle manner, rewarding calm behaviour with lots of treats. This should include holding, patting and “examining” them by looking at their ears, handling their paws, opening their mouth, looking under their tail, etc.
  3. Introduce your pup to a variety of people, including males and females of various ages (including children). Even before your pup is fully vaccinated, you can carry them around new environments, and take them to low-risk situations such as a well-run puppy preschool for safe play interactions with other pups and people.
  4. Never force your puppy if they are fearful during these new experiences – remember, the aim is for your pup to learn that new experiences are safe! Allow your pup to watch at a distance for a while if they are unsure, and keep things positive with lots of treats.

If your pup is socialised gently and positively, they are much more likely to grow into an adult dog who is confident and friendly in novel situations, rather than reacting fearfully.

For more information on the safe socialisation of puppies, including vaccination protection recommendations, ask our knowledgeable team.