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Mira Mar Vet, your local vet in Albany

The puppy particulars: What to expect at vet visits

by | Feb 28, 2025 | Latest Monthly Newsletters, Pet Care

When our vets see puppies for vaccinations (usually at 6–8 weeks, 10–12 weeks, and around 16 weeks old), we’re not just giving them a quick jab and sending you on your way. Puppy consultations are an important opportunity to check for common health issues and ensure you’re confident in managing their ongoing care.

Here are some key checks we’ll diligently tick off during a puppy visit.

1. General health check

At any vaccination appointment, we always perform a thorough check-up to ensure your puppy is healthy enough to receive their vaccination.

At a minimum, this includes checking their mouth, eyes, ears, lymph nodes, heart and lungs, joints, skin, and overall body condition. We also feel their tummy and observe their movement. If they are not too stressed, we may take their temperature to check for inflammation or infection that could affect their response to the vaccine.

2. Puppy specific issues

When our vets examine puppies, they check particularly closely for common puppy health issues. These include:

  • Abnormal tooth positions
  • Ear infections
  • Heart murmurs
  • Abnormal joints (such as loose kneecaps)
  • Evidence of parasites such as fleas

We’ll also discuss health issues associated with particular breeds, such as potential breathing issues in flatter-faced dog breeds or hip dysplasia in large-breed pups.

3. Health care routines

After your pup has been checked over and received their vaccination, our vets will chat with you about ongoing recommended health care routines. This includes:

  • Parasite control
  • Appropriate diet options
  • Desexing
  • Any breed-related specific care your pet may require

Most importantly, your pup will receive lots of cuddles, pats, and treats. This not only helps with socialisation, but our vets love it, too!

For more information on ‘pawsome’ puppy health care, consult our puppy-proficient team.