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Mira Mar Vet, your local vet in Albany

All the latest news from Mira Mar Vet and informative pet tips

Heart Health 101

Heart Health 101

Heart health 101 Heart disease sneaks up on our pets and most of the time it isn't until your cat or dog is in heart failure that physical changes are visible. Signs of heart disease are generally related to a reduced function of the heart. The heart has to work...

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A healthy mouth for a happy heart

A healthy mouth for a happy heart

A healthy mouth for a happy heart Did you know that improving the condition of your pet's teeth could lead to a healthier heart? This is because there is plenty of evidence that dental disease is linked to heart disease. Here's how it works... Plaque and tartar that...

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December visit to WAVES

December visit to WAVES

December visit to WAVES Jim and Dave were recently invited by specialist surgeon Dr Aaron Moles on a tour of the WA Veterinary Emergency and Specialty (WAVES) practice in Perth. We refer a number of our more difficult surgical and medical cases to the team of experts...

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Can my dog get dementia?

Can my dog get dementia?

Jake's odd looking ear Jake the boisterous cocker spaniel presented with a strange swelling on one of his ear lobes. It was 'soft and squishy' and painful to touch. He had been shaking his head over the previous week and his ear smelt canal smelt like old footy socks!...

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We ‘ear you’ve got a problem!

We ‘ear you’ve got a problem!

We 'ear you've got a problem! Ear problems are common at this time of the year so if you've noticed anything out of the ordinary with your pet's ears, it's important we take a look. The ear canal is its own mini environment and this can be disturbed by heat, moisture,...

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Summer Hazards

Summer Hazards

Summer hazards Long summer days and balmy nights mean we are often out and about with our pets more than other times of the year. Here are a few summer hazards we always like to remind you to watch out for: Heat exhaustion: It can be easy to over do it in the heat and...

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Keeping cool

Keeping cool

Keeping cool The summer heat can really affect our pets so how do you best keep your pet cool this summer? Air flow is key to keeping cool While shade is a non negotiable essential, there may be some extreme days where you need to bring your pet inside and place them...

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Snake bite – what to watch out for

Snake bite – what to watch out for

Snake bite - what to watch out for With changing weather patterns as well as a wet start to summer for many parts of Australia, snakes are being seen in urban areas previously thought to be 'snake free'. It's a good idea to be remind yourself of what to watch out for...

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Christmas Opening Hours

Christmas Opening Hours

Please don't forget that Mira Mar Vets will be CLOSED over the public holidays, but as usual an experienced vet is available by phone 24-hours-a-day on 0428 936 020. MONDAY 25TH DECEMBER: CLOSED TUESDAY 26TH DECEMBER: CLOSED MONDAY 1ST JANUARY: CLOSED We wish all of...

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Leo and the Christmas ham.

Leo and the Christmas ham.

Leo and the Christmas ham Leo the ten year old schnauzer usually loves Christmas. And it isn't because of all the new toys he finds in his stocking, it's because he usually gets some leftover ham! That was until last Christmas. On Boxing Day last year, Leo developed a...

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Travelling with your pet.

Travelling with your pet.

Travelling with your pet Are you travelling with your pet these summer holidays? It can be lots of fun and your pet will love being included in the adventure but you should consider the following before hitting the road: How healthy is your pet? You don't want to take...

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When to take your pet to the vet.

When to take your pet to the vet.

When to take your pet to the vet ASAP The Christmas period can be a busy time for everyone. It can be easy to get swept up in the festivities and not realise your pet is unwell. Here are ten situations when you should seek veterinary attention immediately: Trouble...

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Why does my pet lick his feet?

Why does my pet lick his feet?

Why does my pet lick his feet? Licking and chewing of the paws is a common problem for our pets but it definitely shouldn't be considered normal! Cats tend to pull at their toes nails and dogs like to lick in between their toes. There can be many causes: Allergies:...

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Correct use of antibiotics

Correct use of antibiotics

One of the greatest threats to human and animal health is antibiotic resistance and the emergence of 'superbugs'. The World Health Organisation (WHO) warns that 'unless urgent action is taken on the use of antibiotics in humans and animals, the world is heading for a...

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Can my cat be vegan?

Can my cat be vegan?

Can my cat be a vegan? Embarking on a vegan diet might be suitable for some people but what about our feline friends? The truth is that a cat cannot survive on a vegan diet. These diets simply do not provide all of the nutrients that your cat requires for a healthy...

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Food for thought

Food for thought

Food for thought When it comes to feeding your pet, we know that it can get pretty confusing with the overwhelming number of choices out there. On top of this, pet food companies sometimes complicate things with claims that their food is superior because it is all...

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Is my pet overweight?

Is my pet overweight?

Is my pet overweight? You are probably well aware that if your pet is pudgy they have an increased risk of suffering from heart disease, respiratory disorders, osteoarthritis and diabetes. But alarmingly, most people aren't even aware that their pet is overweight....

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Smelly Pets

Smelly Pets

Smelly pets If you notice a bad smell coming from your pet, it's time to take action. In most cases, a strange odour is an indication that something's not quite right and in some cases it can be a symptom of a more a serious and painful disease. Here are of the most...

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Garden hazards

Garden hazards

Garden hazards As the days get longer and warmer, you and your pet might be spending more time outside in the garden. Here's a list of some of the more common dangers to be aware of: Bee and wasp stings: these can cause a painful sting and in some pets, a dangerous...

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We love a bit of wee!

We love a bit of wee!

We love a bit of wee! You might think we're crazy but a small amount of wee (technically referred to as urine!) can give us heaps of information about your pet's internal health and rule out problems such as kidney disease and diabetes. Infections, inflammation and...

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Being kind to the kidneys

Being kind to the kidneys

Being kind to the kidneys Have you noticed any of the following in your pet? increased thirst increased urination weight loss vomiting lethargy Any of these changes may be an early sign of kidney disease. The sooner we detect this disease and initiate treatment, the...

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