Mira Mar Veterinary Hospital

Your local vet in Albany

Feline parvovirus?

Feline parvovirus?

When asked about the F3 feline vaccination, most owners are aware that it provides protection against two of the common causes of cat flu — feline herpesvirus and calicivirus. But what’s the third component? Here’s the low-down on feline panleucopaenia (FPL), the...

Vacation veterinary care

Vacation veterinary care

Planning to head off on holidays soon? We’d recommend ticking off these pre-vacation pet care tasks before you go! 1. Checking that your pet has enough prescription medication If your pet is on a prescription medication or diet, ensure that you have enough of this...

The pre-boarding checklist

The pre-boarding checklist

Is your cat going into boarding over the holiday period? Check out this helpful pre-boarding checklist that will help ensure that your cat’s stay is as purr-fect as possible! Vaccinations Unless your cat has been exempted due to a documented medical issue (e.g. they...

Feeling a little ruff

Feeling a little ruff

Have you heard of Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex (CIRDC)? This is the newer name for the illness commonly known as “kennel cough”. Whilst it’s a mouthful to say, the term CIRDC better reflects the fact that dogs can be exposed to this illness in a...