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Mira Mar Vet, your local vet in Albany

Do you have a polite pet?

by | Mar 17, 2017 | Latest Monthly Newsletters, Pet Care

March is all about pet behaviour – linking with the Australian Veterinary Association’s ‘Polite Pets Month’ – designed to highlight common behavioural problems in pets, and ways that your vet can be involved in the management and improvement of these problems.

Our very own Dr Jim Darmody has completed a year-long Behavioural Medicine course, and is armed with all of the tools needed to help tackle poor pet behaviour. A behaviour consultation with Jim usually takes 90 minutes, and involves a detailed questionnaire being filled out prior to the visit. Please contact the clinic on 98415422 if you’d like to book in.

As well as this, we can highly recommend the dog trainers at the Albany All Breeds Dog Club. They follow a dog-friendly positive reinforcement program, and can help dogs of all ages and stages. For more information, have a look at their Facebook Page or read their latest brochure on our website.