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Mira Mar Vet, your local vet in Albany

Optimistic oncology

by | Feb 3, 2023 | Latest Monthly Newsletters, Pet Care

It’s natural to feel a little worried if you find an unusual lump on your pet.

Our team are here to reassure you that with prompt treatment, there’s a good chance of a positive outcome for your pet. Here are two potential ways we could achieve a good result:

1. Not every lump is nasty
As well as malignant (cancerous) tumours, there are many other causes of lumps in pets that are less of a cause for concern. These include:

  • Benign tumours – these are tumours that are unlikely to spread and cause harm in your pet’s body, including lipomas (“fatty lumps”), histiocytomas and benign sebaceous tumours (“old dog warts”)
  • Skin tags – these are small skin growths that are thought to be associated with persistent irritation or pressure
  • Cysts – these hollow swellings may contain fluid or thick, cheesy material
  • Papillomas – these are wart-like lumps caused by dog papillomavirus
Whilst these masses are all considered benign, they may be associated with irritation or discomfort in some pets and therefore may still require surgical removal.
Swelling on or beneath the skin of pets may also be caused by inflammation or infection. Common causes for these types of swelling include:
  • Hives – these are allergic skin swellings that can occur after insect stings or contact with an irritating plant
  • Abscesses – these are pockets of infection that often occur secondary to tooth root infections or a cat bite, or due to a penetrating foreign body such as a grass seed
2. Prompt treatment can be curative
If testing of your pet’s mass does confirm a cancerous lump, there is still a good chance of cure with prompt treatment. In most cases, this includes surgical removal of the mass.
So, if you find a new lump on your pet, keep calm and book a consultation. We’ll help bump off that lump in no time!