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Top three tips for preventing rat bait toxicity

by | Apr 8, 2017 | Pet Care

Top three tips for preventing rat bait toxicity

Sadly, we often see pets that have eaten rat bait. This can be extremely upsetting especially when ingestion can often be prevented.

Here are our top tips for prevention rat bait toxicity:

1. The first, and probably most obvious, is do not have rodenticide products on your property. And what about your neighbour’s place? If you’ve moved to a new property, have you thoroughly checked it is safe?

2. Ensure that places you visit with your pet (friend’s houses, holiday rentals) are rat bait free. That means always check for rat bait before letting your pet loose in a new environment.

3. If you must have rat bait, please store packets of these poisons in a secure place away from animals and children.

Don’t forget that your pet may actively seek out rat bait – dogs have knack for getting under the house and cats love to explore the ceiling.

We are always here to offer advice and help – phone us if you are worried.