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Mira Mar Vet, your local vet in Albany
All the latest news from Mira Mar Vet and informative pet tips
Top tips for nail trimming at home
Top tips for nail trimming at home Six steps for nail trimming at home: Be prepared - get all of your equipment ready first, including some of your pet's favourite treats! It is easier to have your pet in a sitting or lying down position. Cats might feel safer wrapped...
I’m so confused, what should I feed my pet?
I'm so confused, what should I feed my pet? It can be very overwhelming when trying to choose the best diet for your pet. There are so many options out there and each seem to claim to provide specific health benefits for your pet. What is the most suitable diet for...
Krysta Guille Photoshoot
We had a hilarious evening recently, where we all converged at Dave's house with our pets for a photoshoot with Krysta Guille Photography. As you can see, we had a brilliant time and the animals were VERY excited by the event! A huge thank you to Krysta for being a...
The subtle signs of arthritis
The subtle signs of arthritis Our pets are more likely to feel the effects of arthritis during the colder weather so now is the best time for an arthritis check with us. Most of the signs of arthritis are subtle and you may not even realise your pet is in pain....
Lenno’s arthritis
Lenno's arthritis Last month we introduced you to Lenno. He had recently been diagnosed with dry eye and had commenced on some eye medication to help improve his tear production. We are pleased to say that he has responded well to the medication and his eyes are...
The many ways we can treat arthritis
The many ways we can treat arthritis If your pet has been diagnosed with arthritis don't despair! There are multiple ways we can treat the disease and help your pet live a longer and more comfortable life. They key to managing the disease is a multi-targeted approach....
How to make your home arthritis friendly
How to make your home arthritis friendly To help your arthritic pet live a comfortable life there are a few things you can do at home: Our number one tip is to keep your pet’s weight in a healthy range to reduce the load on the joint. If your pet is carrying even just...
Can my dog get dementia?
Can my dog get dementia? Yes! Doggy dementia (also known as Canine Cognitive Dysfunction) has been recognised for some time and has many similarities to Alzheimer's disease in humans. Some of this signs of the disease can be subtle so you may not even realise your...
Lenno’s dry eyes
Lenno's dry eyes Meet Lenno. Lenno is an 8-year-old cavalier cross who snores very loudly and is obsessed with food. We will be following Lenno's health journey over the next few months. Lenno is considered a senior dog and has regular health checks to manage his...
Children and dogs – keeping everyone safe
Children and dogs - keeping everyone safe When it comes to children and dogs, many people say that supervision is essential. But it is critical to understand that supervision alone may not always be the way to prevent a dog bite. The key to helping prevent a dog bite...
The best ways to care for a senior pet
The best ways to care for a senior pet Did you know that dogs and cats are considered senior when they reach 8 years of age? Most importantly, senior pets require some extra special attention to help keep them happy and healthy. Here are some of the best ways you can...
Celebrating the Golden Years
Celebrating the Golden Years At Mira Mar Vets, we love oldies! We dedicate an entire month every year to promoting the care and wellbeing of our Senior Pet patients. We know that with ongoing health screening, early intervention and good quality preventative care, we...
The magic of a blood test
The magic of a blood test Blood tests can give us a wealth of information about the health of your pet. They provide an insight into the health of many organs, help detect disease and can also confirm if your pet is safe to undergo anaesthesia. From a blood test, we...
The power of a wee sample
The power of a wee sample It's not only blood tests that give us an insight into the health of your pet. Testing your pet's urine is another essential part of good veterinary medicine. Did you know that a small amount of urine can give us information about your pet's...
Unhappy hormones
Unhappy hormones An endocrine disease is caused by an upset in the normal balance or regulation of hormones. These 'unhappy hormones' lead to a range of diseases that can greatly affect your pet's quality of life. When too much hormone is produced, the disease is...
Jackson is thirsty
Jackson is thirsty Jackson the cat came in for a check up. He had been drinking copious amounts of water over the past month and even though he usually had an excellent appetite, he was looking 'a bit skinny.' Examination revealed that Jackson was dehydrated and had...
Buster’s broken leg – a great outcome
Buster's broken leg - a great outcome OUCH! A few months ago, Buster the 6 month old Border Collie took a tumble off the ute and badly broke both bones of his right front leg. He was in a lot of pain, but extremely brave! Dr Jim applied a plate to the larger of the...
Why is my cat doing that?
Why is my cat doing that? Cats are unique creatures and they will occasionally display certain behaviours that you need to watch out for as it can be an indication that something else is going on. Here are a couple of behaviours to be aware of: Spraying urine The act...
Chocolate toxicity – what to do
Chocolate toxicity - what to do Most dogs love chocolate and with their strong sense of smell they are very good at finding it! The problem is, dogs are not able to metabolise theobromine, a derivative of caffeine found in chocolate. Ingestion can lead to an increased...
Easter health hazards you might not know about
Easter health hazards you might not know about It's not only chocolate that can be an issue at Easter! There are a few other potential dangers - here's what you should watch out for: Hot Cross Buns Many people are not aware that sultanas and raisins (and grapes) may...
A new study links raw chicken to paralysis in dogs
A new study links raw chicken to paralysis in dogs There has recently been a study that has linked the consumption of raw chicken with an increased risk of paralysis in dogs. The study, conducted by the University of Melbourne’s U-Vet Werribee Animal Hospital, found...
Six signs your cat loves you
With Valentine's Day on February 14th, it's a good time to talk about love. Have you ever wondered if your cat loves you? Here's a cute 'Simon's Cat' video that perfectly highlights six signs your cat really loves you! Check it out on YouTube here.
What’s your pet’s SRR?
What's your pet's SRR? SRR is an acronym for your pet's sleeping respiratory rate. The SRR is a very powerful tool that you, the pet owner can undertake in your own home. It can help detect the onset of/or improve the monitoring of left sided congestive heart failure...
High blood pressure
High blood pressure For some pets, measuring their blood pressure is essential for a more thorough veterinary examination. An elevation in blood pressure (or hypertension) can indicate an underlying disease and if left undetected, can cause damage to organs and in...