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Mira Mar Vet, your local vet in Albany

All the latest news from Mira Mar Vet and informative pet tips

Feasible fees

Feasible fees

You may wonder why we require regular medication rechecks for pets on long-term medications, and why we charge prescription fees. So we thought to explain why! Medication rechecks There are national legal guidelines for the veterinary prescribing, authorising and...

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A bone to pick

A bone to pick

“Tibia” honest, bones just aren’t suitable for every dog! Whilst raw bones are safer than cooked bones (which are more brittle, and therefore more likely to crack into dangerously sharp pieces), raw bones can still cause problems. Here’s a few reasons to take care...

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Supporting our seniors

Supporting our seniors

As our beloved pets grow older, they may start to require our help with certain self-care tasks. Here are a few things that you might need to assist your senior pet with. Grooming Most elderly cats and dogs will require (and enjoy!) regular “beauty therapy” from their...

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Cloud formations

Cloud formations

As our pets age, some may develop a cloudy appearance to their eyes. Here are a few of the most common reasons for cloudy eyes in dogs. Corneal changes The cornea is the clear “window” portion of the eye, through which we can see the circular, coloured iris and black...

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Dog weight loss 101

Dog weight loss 101

Dog weight loss 101 Uh oh, your dog’s body weight has crept up… Unfortunately, being overweight can predispose pets to joint injuries, breathing problems, heart issues and some cancers. But don’t worry - we’re here to help, starting with some tips for healthy, gradual...

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Food for thought

Food for thought

Food for thought “What is the best food for my pet?” There is often no perfect diet to suit every pet, however there are some things to keep in mind when choosing a type of pet food for your furry friend. Here’s some of the most common food types on offer for dogs and...

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Mass confusion

Mass confusion

Mass confusion When it comes to body condition, we actually want your pet to get an “average” score, as this indicates that your pet is at their healthiest weight. A low score, however, suggests that your pet is underweight, whilst a high score indicates that your pet...

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