Our Blog
Mira Mar Vet, your local vet in Albany
All the latest news from Mira Mar Vet and informative pet tips
Scratchy Bottom
Have you ever witnessed your dog dragging his bottom along the ground? This strange doggy dance is known as 'scooting' and it is an indication that your dog has irritated anal glands. The anal glands are located on either side of your dog's anus. Each gland holds a...
Prevent a crisis this Christmas
Here are our top tips to help prevent a Christmas catastrophe and keep your pet healthy and happy this Christmas. Keep leftovers off the menu! Don't be tempted to feed your pet leftovers. Christmas dinner is notorious for causing upset tummies and nasty episodes of...
Why vaccination is vital
Vaccination is a vital tool we have available to help keep your pet healthy. Even if your pet doesn't have contact with other pets, he should be vaccinated. Many people aren't aware that there are diseases that can be transmitted in water droplets through the air or...
Make your backyard BBQ safe
Who doesn't love a summer BBQ? With the warmer weather and longer daylight hours we are all keen to get our snags cooking - and your pets probably are too! How do you best keep your pet safe around the BBQ? Follow these four safety tips so your pets can enjoy the BBQ...
Microchipping Rules!
Summer brings scary noises including thunder from storms as well as fireworks in celebration of the silly season. The result is hundreds of terrified dogs who often manage to escape and head for the hills. This is why it is essential your pet is microchipped. Now is...
Farewell to Jess
It is with very heavy hearts that we say farewell to our long-standing staff member and friend, Jess Brennan, this month. Jess has been with us since 2010 (and as a volunteer before that!), and has proven to be a brilliant staff member, an amazing pet lover and a keen...
Is your pet prepared for summer?
With summer just around the corner, now's the best time to start getting your pet ready for the warmer months. Proper preparation will help keep your pet healthy and safe. Here are our top tips: Get up to date with vaccinations If your pet is boarding over the summer...
Charlie’s itchy Ears
Charlie the chocolate labrador was shaking his head and using his foot to have a old good scratch around his head. He was wearing a new collar and his owners thought this was the culprit, but when he started to smell a bit funny he came in for a check up. An...
AIDS – is your cat protected?
It's World AIDS Day on 1st December so now is as good a time as ever to alert you to the fact that your feline friend can also develop the disease. What causes Feline AIDS? Feline AIDS is caused by the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) which affects the immune...
Family Fun Day a HUGE Success!
Well now that we've just about recovered from the Family Fun Day on November 22nd, it's time to thank our incredibly hard working staff, all of the amazing exhibitors, and most of all the community for attending and for making it such a busy and rewarding day! We had...
Creating the best cat toilet
When it comes to the loo, cats can be fastidious. They tend to like a quiet and private area (who doesn't?) and most prefer plenty of soil to cover things up. If your cat uses a litter tray, there are some golden rules you should follow to help prevent any problems....
Kidney disease is thirsty work
If your pet is thirstier than usual it could be a sign of kidney disease. Sometimes the increase in thirst can be subtle but if you find yourself filling up the water bowl more regularly, or notice your pet drinking from the shower or toilet, you should arrange a...
Can I bathe my cat?
When it comes to cats and water, things can get pretty hairy! Most cats hate being immersed in water and find the bath an incredibly stressful experience. Thankfully you don't really need to bathe your feline friend as they are equipped to take care of their own...
Top tips on bathing your dog
While we are on the topic of spa baths we thought we'd share our top tips for making bath time easier with your pooch. 1. Choose the right shampoo - never use human shampoo (even baby shampoo) as it's the wrong pH for your pooch. If your dog is itchy, oily or has...
Pet Of The Month
Photos of Arnie the wonder dog, an intra-operative picture of his tracheal tumour, and giving his dad a big kiss in recovery When choosing our 'Pet of the Month' for the past month, we couldn't go past one of the most interesting and challenging cases that we have...
Staff Dental Training at Mira Mar Vets
Staff dental training at Mira Mar Vets Some of the dentistry equipment used by the vets at Mira Mar Vets when your pet has a dental procedure. Note the similarities (and differences) to human dentistry! Last month we all had an exciting opportunity to receive some...
Snail bait is serious
Spring has sprung and with new shoots in the garden there may also be snail bait about. Snail bait pellets look just like dog kibble so dogs often eat the pellets by mistake. Even so called "pet friendly" products are dangerous for animals. There are three types of...
Recognise heart disease
Heart disease tends to sneak up on pets and clinical signs might not appear until your pet is in serious trouble. Knowing the signs of heart disease and starting treatment early can make a big difference to your pet's quality of life and longevity. The most common...
Don’t be tempted
It might be tempting to feed your pet human scraps as a treat but you may be doing them harm and causing excessive weight gain. Keep this calorie translator in mind when you are having trouble saying 'no' to those adorable eyes! For a 10kg dog: One biscuit = 1...
Is your pet a bit portly?
Is your canine companion a couch potato or your feline friend a bit flabby? Your pet is not alone as more than 50% of our pets are overweight. Carrying a few extra kilos puts our pets at risk of heart disease, respiratory disorders, osteoarthritis and diabetes. The...
New Long Acting Flea Control for Dogs
We are very excited to be able to offer a new form of flea treatment for dogs - BRAVECTO. This oral chew is extremely effective against fleas, and will provide a very high level of protection for THREE MONTHS after administration! For those clients living in brown dog...
Pet of the month
Our 'pet' for this month for September gave Aimee and Renae a run for their money on a Friday evening a few weeks ago! This little King Parrot had been knocked by a car and was on the side of the road. A kindly good samaritan picked him up to transport to the vet...
The Ins and Outs of a Dental Procedure
If we have diagnosed your pet with dental disease we will most likely recommend dental clean.This is a very common procedure and is essential in treating dental disease. If your pet is having a dental procedure there’s a few things you need to know: A general...
Don’t Turn Away From Bad Breath
Does your pet have dreaded doggy breath? Don’t turn away as bad breath can kill. Bad breath is generally caused by dental disease, a sneaky condition that likes to hide in your pet's mouth. Up to 80% of our pets might be suffering from this nasty disease and it is one...